About project

Project background

One of the most valuable types of ecosystems are the wet meadows and pastures.
They may be wet meadows variable-characteristic for areas with large differences in levels of surface water (reserve Piasnickie Meadows), wet meadows with shallow overhang surface waters (Chojnickie Meadows, Biebrza Valley and Notec Valley) or heaths (Izbickie Swamp).
A characteristic groups of rare and endangered species of plants and animals are related to each type of habitats. Wet meadows form more usually on the flood plains of river valleys and the coastal zone. The type of natural habitat depends on: the type of substrate (peat, mineral substrate), local water conditions (the length of the flood, the quality and depth of water) and management. The key to maintain them in proper condition is a suitable extensive agriculture management.
Regardless of the type of natural habitat wetlands have traditionally been used as meadows and pastures. In our climate zone, wet meadows and pastures are not final cessation habitats. Abandon of agriculture convert them to the less valuable natural reed and shrubs.

Aim of the project

The aim of the project is to restore the proper conservation status of wetland meadows and pastures in selected areas Natura 2000. This will be achieved by removing reeds and trees and shrubs, and then restore the extensive agricultural management.
The proposed measures are widely used in the restoration and maintenance in proper condition of open wetland habitats.
Their effectiveness evidenced among other examples of the Biebrza Marshes, Warta, the nature reserve Beka. There conducted years of consistent actions allow us to restore the proper state of natural habitats and save them from degradation.
The project is implemented in partnership with  Forest District Wejherowo.

Implementation of the project is possible thanks to funding gained within the framework program EN 02 Protection of biodiversity Financial Mechanism of the European Economic 2009-2014, oraz National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management.